My Story
Before and after dnrs: left june 2016, right november 2015
When I was chronically ill, I was sure I would always need to live a life of avoidance and isolation. There didn’t seem to be any cure for the conditions I had been diagnosed with: chronic fatigue syndrome, extreme food sensitivities and multiple chemical sensitivity.
At my weakest I was housebound, able to eat only 8 foods (only specific fruits and vegetables) and barely able to function. Today I am a mother of two young children and I can go wherever I want, eat whatever I like and have the energy to do anything I want.
I feel extremely grateful to have recovered from a chronic illness and to be able to live a completely normal life again through the Dynamic Neural Retraining System (DNRS).
Find out how you can recover too here and why this treatment works here.
To find out more about my journey and recovery, you might want to start with these blog posts:
Chronic fatigue to 5km race finish in 6 months
Open letter to my husband as we approach our second anniversary.
There are also full details of my health journey here.